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  1. M

    Please help

    You can put on the same set of lime armor, and just remove the "dyed lime" out of the if statement.
  2. M

    Please help

    I just tested your script myself, and if you remove the "dyed lime" part it should work.
  3. M

    Solved issue with teleport

    Is the intended world called "(overworld)"? Most likely it's just called "world". There should be no parentheses.
  4. M

    Solved Random-Number.

    You could test to see if a value has been set using "if {variable name} is set:" and only assign it a value if not
  5. M

    Solved issue with teleport

    The format for a location is: location at _, _, _ of world "___" So it would be on respawn: teleport player to location at 218, 74, -34 of world "(insert world name here)"
  6. M


    I am assuming the error is coming from line 56, "while inventory name of current inventory of player is "&6Stock List":" Unfortunately as the error says you can only get the current inventory's name when you're inside of an "on inventory click" trigger. If you want to continuously loop as long...
  7. M

    Please help

    Perhaps the lore messes it up. As Yasarhan said, everything about the armor has to match the description. If the condition doesn't check anything about the lore, it will only work if there is no lore. You could try copying and pasting every attribute of the armor, e.g. if player is wearing...
  8. M

    Solved All List elements

    To loop over all the values of {artifacts::*.%player%} you would write: loop {artifacts::*.%player%}: To message the player what each artifact is, you would write: message "%loop-value%" in the inside of the previously mentioned loop. If you instead wanted to display all the items in a GUI, you...
  9. M

    Solved Random-Number.

    Could you show your code? In general if you use the line "a random number between _ and _" it will be a newly generated random number each time you get to that line. If you want to use the same random number for different purposes, you can save it as a variable: "set {_value} to a random number...