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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. M

    Taking a Percentage of Players Balance on death.

    Hello there! I'm semi-new to Skript and the one thing i've never truly worked with is percentages. I've done some research without luck. I'm here to ask, how would I go about taking a percentage of a players balance when killed by another player and paying the attacker that percentage? Example...
  2. M

    No world in periodic event error.

    I'm attempting to make items spawn on blocks if a player is within a specific bound. Everything checks out except for this one pesky error: There's no world in a periodic event if no world is given in the event (e.g. like 'every hour in "world"') (, line 166: if player's world is...
  3. M

    Detecting Players Location

    Hello, every 5 seconds: type of event-block = {Generators::options::Generator1Block} or {Generators::options::Generator2Block} or {Generators::options::Generator3Block} or {Generators::options::Generator4Block} or {Generators::options::Generator5Block} or...