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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. C

    Displaying past world

    on world change: if player have permission "flame.staff": loop all players: loop-player has permission "flame.staff" send "&b &4%player% &3connected to &b%loop-player's world% &3from &b%player's world%" to loop-player I'm trying to find a placeholder to display...
  2. C

    What's the error?

  3. C

    What's the error?

    still not working :/
  4. C

    What's the error?

    on player world change: wait 1 tick if world is "SpeedPvP": set slot 1 of player to compass named "&6&lPLAY SPEEDPVP" so this is my code, why is not working..
  5. C

    I don't know whats the error.

  6. C

    I don't know whats the error.

    on rightclick with nether star: wait 2 ticks open chest with 1 row named "" to player wait 3 ticks format slot 4 of player with mushroom soup named "&bSoup &c(BETA)" with lore "&7A Soup based KitPvP server." and "" and "&7Versions: &a1.7-1.16" and "&7Recommended: &a1.8"...