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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. Strafbefehl

    My Skript is receiving many errors

    press in line 7 tab permission: op must be in the same line as the trigger command /staffmode: permission: op trigger:
  2. Strafbefehl

    Solved Nether and End Rank Required Skript

    Hey i hope that will work for u. on player world change: player's world = "Nether": player have permission "world.nether": send "Welcome" else: teleport player to {spawn} command /setspawn: permission: world.admin trigger...
  3. Strafbefehl

    hi need help joinmsg

    i think that will work. on player world change: loop all players in world "world": send "%player% joined" to loop-players Happy new year!
  4. Strafbefehl

    Issue with teleporting in world

    Try this to set a position. command /setspawn: permission: spawn.admin trigger: set {spawn} to player's location teleport player to {spawn} Happy new year
  5. Strafbefehl

    New Year

    Hey, today I have a New Year's Eve script if you're not hanging out today, just celebrate New Year's Eve on your server! Happy New Year! feature: Snowballs are Firecrackers
  6. Strafbefehl

    Script New Year 1.1

    Hey, today I have a New Year's Eve script if you're not hanging out today, just celebrate New Year's Eve on your server! Happy New Year! feature: Snowballs are Firecrackers
  7. Strafbefehl

    Help with Vehicles

    Hello, I need help with vehicles, because the steering from left and right does not work! Minecraft version: 1.12.2 command /Auto: trigger: give fire charge named "&aAuto" to player on rightclick with fire charge: make the player ride a armor stand command /Autos...