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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. Q

    Solved How to hide attributes of loop-item

    every 1 tick: loop all players: loop all items in loop-player's inventory: loop-item is wooden sword: set name of loop-item to "&f&lWOODEN SWORD" Was wondering how I could hide the attributes of the wooden sword
  2. Q

    Skript updating problem

    So I removed my old Skript plugin jar file and installed the new one. For some reason, It still shows in-game and in the console to "install the Skript-Alpha6" when I checked in-game It says I'm running on Skript-Alpha6(Rev1) and says to install Skript-Alpha6. Please help!
  3. Q

    Solved Skript problem /skript help

    OK, so when I joined my server with skript installed. When I do /sk it said for me to do /skript help so pelase help me out... I'm using Spigot-Latest 1.15.2 I don't know what version of Skript I'm using so If anyone coudl help me dat would b useful OK THANKS! Somehow I got it to work, lma os...
  4. Q

    Fake Health?

    How do I make fake health? What I mean is that a variable with health, when the player hits the entity. It removes the health variable by the number of damage that the player dealt to the entity. Thank you.
  5. Q

    Solved Max Health

    I was wondering If there was a way to go higher than 1024 for the max health? Thanks!
  6. Q

    Solved Current Health Of Mob

    So I was wondering how I could make the name of the spawned mob to display it's "current health/max health" I figure out how to do the max health, but not the current health of the mob. Here's what I got so far: on spawn of cow: set health of event-entity to 10 set max health of...