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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. S

    Grab book to sword

    Hello. I really need help. I am trying to grab a book to a sword then it will be unbreakable. I can't make it happen. on inventory click: if event-item is a diamond sword: if player's cursor slot is book: if name of player's cursor slot is "something"...
  2. S

    Solved Need a custom fish drop skript

    Need a custom fish drop skript like this: My minecraft version is the same and this not seem to be working
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    Solved Every x amount of zombie kill

    on death of zombie: add 1 to {zombieDeaths} if {zombieDeaths} is greater than or equal to 3: set {_drops} to player skull named "&5&lZombie Boss tojás" with nbt...
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    Solved Check if arena is full

    command /event [<text>] [<text>]: trigger: if arg 1 isn't set: send "&7/event help" if arg 1 is "help": player has permission "event.admin": send "&8&m---------- &cHELP &8&m----------" send "&7/event join"...
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    Solved give item at full inventory

    So I was wondering if I can do the essentials give items thing with full inventory. Unfortunetly essentials won't give you the item if you use the /give command and your inventory is full, it will delete it. Is there a way to store these items? I did a thing where I stored them in a gui and with...
  6. S

    Solved Toggleable Chat

    Hello. I want players to toggle their chat (no messages from players) so they can't see the chat. If they untoggle they can see the chat again. Any ideas how to do this?