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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. Jqckk

    Help with request system

    I'm working on my tpa system and have made a lot of progress, but I've run into an issue. command /tpa <player>: description: Request to teleport to a player trigger: if arg-1 is online: send "%player% would like to teleport to you, do /tpaccept to accept" to arg 1...
  2. Jqckk

    Teleport Request System

    I'm fairly new to Skript and I want to make /tpa and /tpaccept commands for my server without essentials. To do it, you would send a command like /tpa <player> and then <player> would recieve a message saying "Do /tpaccept to accept" or whatever and then the first player would be teleported. My...