Treasure Enchant

Script Treasure Enchant 2.2

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Supported Minecraft Versions
  1. 1.8

Hello there! I created a small script that gives you the ability to get treasure from mined ore! Like in Mega Walls Minigame. It works only with special enchant. (Treasure I as default)

Anti clonning system!
Players can get treasure only from generated ores. Placed ores are blocked.

Example: (Chest will disappear after time what you set in config)

Enchanted Books!

Level cost depends on level of enchant! Everything is customisable!

Script is highly customizable !
In new config you can set % for all enchantemnts! (1-3)
You can customise a lot of things! Any idea? Post it in comments.

# ------------------ Messages ------------------------- #

    NoPermission: &cYou dont have permission for that.
    Prefix: &f[&6Treasure Enchant&f]
    TreasureFoundMSG: &eYou found a treasure&f!
    TreasureDisappear: &cTreasure disappeared&f!
    WrongTool: &cThis enchant can be applied only on pickaxe!
    BadUssage: &cBad usage! Type /te or /treasureenchant for help!
    EnchantDone: &aEnchant susscefully added to pickaxe!
    NoLvl: &cYou don't have enought levels!
    ReloadingMSG: &cReloading...
    ReloadMSG: &aHas been reloaded!
# ---------------- Level Cost ----------------------- #

    CostLvl1: 5
    CostLvl2: 10   # How many levels player need for applying enchant
    CostLvl3: 15

# ---------------- Enchanted Books ----------------------- #
    BookName: &eEnchanted Book
    BookLore: &6This is a special enchanted book.
    BookLore2: &6Drop this book on     pickaxe what you want to enchant.
    BookLore3: &6Levels needed for applying enchant#<levelCost>
# ------------------ Effects ------------------------- #

    SoundEnabled: true                  # true or false
    SoundType: random.levelup           # sounds for 1.8
    FireworkEnabled: true               # true or false
    MessagesEnabled: true               # true or false ##For treasure found and dissapear
    DissapearTime: 10      #Seconds
# ----------------------- Enchant name ----------------------- #

    ToolLore: &7Treasure
    ToolLore1: I
    ToolLore2: II
    ToolLore3: III
# ----------------------- Chances for lore I ----------------------- #

    EmeraldOreChance: 15%
    DiamondOreChance: 12%
    GoldOreChance: 10%
    IronOreChance: 8%
    LapisOreChance: 5%
    RedstoneOreChance: 3%
    CoalOreChance: 1%
    QuartzOreChance: 4%
# ----------------------- Chances for lore II ----------------------- #

    EmeraldOreChance2: 20%
    DiamondOreChance2: 15%
    GoldOreChance2: 12%
    IronOreChance2: 10%
    LapisOreChance2: 8%
    RedstoneOreChance2: 5%
    CoalOreChance2: 3%
    QuartzOreChance2: 6%
# ----------------------- Chances for lore III ----------------------- #

    EmeraldOreChance3: 25%
    DiamondOreChance3: 20%
    GoldOreChance3: 15%
    IronOreChance3: 12%
    LapisOreChance3: 10%
    RedstoneOreChance3: 8%
    CoalOreChance3: 5%
    QuartzOreChance3: 10%
# ----------------------- Loot ----------------------- #

    Loot1: Diamond
    Loot2: steak
    Loot3: enchanted book of unbreaking 1
    Loot4: coal
    Loot5: stick
    Loot6: enchanted book of sharpness 1
    Loot7: iron ingot
    Loot8: cobblestone
    Loot9: cobblestone
    Loot10: torch
    Loot11: enchanted book of sharpness 2
    Loot12: enchanted book of sharpness 3
    Loot13: potion of speed
    Loot14: experience bottle
    Loot15: enchanted book of protection 1
# ----------------------- Chances for loot ----------------------- #

    ChanceforLoot1: 5%
    ChanceforLoot2: 25%
    ChanceforLoot3: 10%
    ChanceforLoot4: 30%
    ChanceforLoot5: 50%
    ChanceforLoot6: 5%
    ChanceforLoot7: 25%
    ChanceforLoot8: 35%
    ChanceforLoot9: 35%
    ChanceforLoot10: 20%
    ChanceforLoot11: 10%
    ChanceforLoot12: 2%
    ChanceforLoot13: 15%
    ChanceforLoot14: 5%
    ChanceforLoot15: 10%
# ----------------------- Ammout of loot ----------------------- #
    AmmoutOfLoot1: 1
    AmmoutOfLoot2: 3
    AmmoutOfLoot3: 1
    AmmoutOfLoot4: 12
    AmmoutOfLoot5: 5
    AmmoutOfLoot6: 1
    AmmoutOfLoot7: 3
    AmmoutOfLoot8: 27
    AmmoutOfLoot9: 13
    AmmoutOfLoot10: 24
    AmmoutOfLoot11: 1
    AmmoutOfLoot12: 1
    AmmoutOfLoot13: 1
    AmmoutOfLoot14: 20
    AmmoutOfLoot15: 1


# ---------------- Do not touch anything under this!!! ------------------------ #



treasureenchant.getenchant - Perms for command /te 1-3
treasureenchant.books - Perms for command /te <book>
treasureenchant.reload - Perms for command /te reload

How to install:
- Download Skript.jar
- Download SkQuerry3.jar and Umbaska.jar
- Put Skript.jar, SkQuerry3.jar and Umbaska.jar to your plugins folder
- Restart server
- Download this skript
- Put Treasure to your plugins/Skript/scripts folder
- In game use command /sk enable Treasure Enchant

Umbaska -- NEW!

Aditional info:
Every 5 stars will make me happy :emoji_slight_smile:
If u want me to add new features just comment your ideas :emoji_slight_smile:
My english is bad i know, i am so sorry.
If you need help or found a bug you can contact me in pm.
First release
Last update
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