make player can fly only in a own region area

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New Member
Feb 1, 2022
skript version : 2.6
author: Trickered
minecraft version : 1.18.1

i was created a skript that can make player fly in owned region but i have a issue that i can't fix when player move to other region (the player is owned that that too) skript disabled his fly
i using protection stone to let player create his region

i only want to make a group can fly not everyone

there is no error when reload

on region enter:
    if player is the owner of the region:
        if player has permission "emzencore.flyable":
            message "&eYou have &bPlayPlus&6+ &eYou're allowed to fly!" to player
            play sound "ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP" to player
            allow flight to player

on region exit:
    if player has permission "emzencore.flyable":
        if region contains "__global__":
            disallow flight to player

*on region exit event i just trying after the issue
maybe my english is bad i'm thai sorry

addon using:
SkUniversal v.2.13
SkRayFall v.1.9.26
SkQuery v.4.1.6

i have tried searching docs
i have searching forums (maybe i missed because my english not so good to find the keywords)
i try using "on region enter that contains "__global__""
i try using extra world guard flags to disallow fly only in __global__
on region enter:
    if player has permission "emzencore.flyable":
        loop owners of region:
            if loop-value-1 is player:
                message "&eYou have &bPlayPlus&6+ &eYou're allowed to fly!" to player
                play sound "ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP" to player
                set flight mode of player to true
                stop loop
on region exit:
    if player has permission "emzencore.flyable":
        loop owners of region:
            if loop-value-1 is player:
        set flight mode of player to false
on region enter:
    if player has permission "emzencore.flyable":
        loop owners of region:
            if loop-value-1 is player:
                message "&eYou have &bPlayPlus&6+ &eYou're allowed to fly!" to player
                play sound "ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP" to player
                set flight mode of player to true
                stop loop
on region exit:
    if player has permission "emzencore.flyable":
        loop owners of region:
            if loop-value-1 is player:
        set flight mode of player to false

it seem to work better but the player still can fly when they leave their region like going to __global__
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