Error with cooldown

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Jul 10, 2021
I'm trying to make a "scythe" but the cooldown isn't working.
Any help?
Here's the code:
on right click on air:
if player is holding iron hoe:
cooldown: 20
cooldown message: "&6You can only do this every 20 seconds."
summon zombie at location of player
equip last spawned zombie with iron helmet
equip last spawned zombie with iron chestplate

(Edit: If possible i would like to know if there is a way to makr them die after some time.)
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I'm trying to make a "scythe" but the cooldown isn't working.
Any help?
Here's the code:
on right click on air:
if player is holding iron hoe:
cooldown: 20
cooldown message: "&6You can only do this every 20 seconds."
summon zombie at location of player
equip last spawned zombie with iron helmet
equip last spawned zombie with iron chestplate

(Edit: If possible i would like to know if there is a way to makr them die after some time.)
It's not necessary to put "on air" on line 1. Also, "cooldown 20" and the subsequent line can only be used when creating commands.

I reccomend you doing this:

on right click:
   if player is holding a iron hoe:
      if {scythe.%player%.time} is not set:
         summon zombie at player's location
         equip last spawned zombie with iron helmet
         equip last spawned zombie with iron chestplate
         set {scythe.%player%.time} to true
         wait 20 seconds
         delete {scythe.%player%.time}
         message "&6You can only do this every 20 seconds." to event-player
I haven't tested it, but it should work.
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