Aiming Enchantment

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Nov 21, 2020
Category: Enchantment

Suggested name: Aiming Enchant

Spigot/Skript Version: 1.15.2

What I want:
An enchantment that goes on a bow that when you shoot an arrow it will track that entity until it hits it.

Ideas for commands: /aiming apply and if you could /aiming book give {name} for an enchanted book

Ideas for permissions: aiming. apply and if that is implemented. aiming.use

When I'd like it by A reasonable time
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Ok, I will soon code this for you. I hope you will enjoy, but it will be coming later due to my school schedule.

- I do hope this work, as I found no documentation for "make player face".

on skript load:
  register a new custom enchantment with id name "Aiming"

on right click:
  if player's tool is bow:
    set {_yaw} to yaw of attacker
    set {_pitch} to pitch of attacker
    loop all entities:
      set {_dist} to (distance between {_player} and loop-entity *1000) + (random integer between 0 and 999)/1000
      set {_list::%{_dist}%} to loop-entity
      make player face the first element of {_list::*}
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