%arg-1% not working in command

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Sep 14, 2020
so im making a /buykit [<kitname>] command where it opens a gui to buy the kit. every reload is successful, but its not working. i think ive isolated the problem to the %arg-1% in the {%player%.kit.%arg-1%} variables. so executing "/kit" gives the error message for that to the player, and doing /kit [random name] works with the respected error message, but doing "/kit [fighter, archer, fisherman, or scout]" does nothing. any help?
thanks in advance for any answers.
# buykit command
command /buykit [<text>]:
  permission: kits.buykit
    if arg-1 is not set:
      message "&c/buykit [kitname]" to player
    if arg-1 is set:
      if arg-1 is "fighter" or "archer" or "fisherman" or "scout":
        if {%player%.kit.%arg-1%} is 1:
          message "&cYou already own this kit" to player
        if {%player%.kit.%arg-1%} is 0:
          create a gui with id "%player%.buykit.%arg-1%" with virtual chest with 3 rows named "Buy Kit":
            format gui slot 4 with an wooden sword named "&aBuy kit: &f%arg-1% &afor &f$100&a?":
              cancel event
            format gui slot 11 with an emerald block named "&a&lBuy Kit":
              close player's inventory
              message "&aYou have bought kit &f%arg-1% &afor &f$100"
              set {%player%.kit.%arg-1%} to 1
            format gui slot 15 with an redstone block named "&c&lCancel":
              close player's inventory
            format gui slot 22 with an gold block named "&6Price: &f$100":
              cancel the event
          wait 1 tick
          open gui "%player%.buykit.%arg-1%" to player
        message "&cThat isn't a kit" to player
if this is all the code, you have no commands to give the player a kit. If you are using a custom skript command to give the player a kit, make the command "/usekit" or something, essentials might be interfering with the /kit command
if this is all the code, you have no commands to give the player a kit. If you are using a custom skript command to give the player a kit, make the command "/usekit" or something, essentials might be interfering with the /kit command
yeah so i already skripted all the kit commands and they work fine. i also don't have essentials.
If you want I can help you by discord to try the command on your server.
My discord: Mich7272#4464
You have to use the full variable name.
open gui "%player%.buykit.%arg-1%" to player = open gui "{%player%.buykit.%arg-1%}" to player
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