Sell a full stack while player's sneaking

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Active Member
Mar 3, 2018
Hey guys,

I skripted a sign shop. And i want to sell a stack of item while a Player is sneaking. This is my Code:
Why it's not working?

On rightclick on sign:
    if line 1 of event-block is "&8[&cVERKAUFEN&8]":
        set {schildsell.%player%} to line 3 of event-block parsed as a integer
        set {ivnsee.%player%} to line 2 of event-block parsed as a item type
        if inventory of player contains {ivnsee.%player%}:
            remove {ivnsee.%player%} from player's inventory
            add {schildsell.%player%} to {Taler::%uuid of player%}
            set action bar of player to "&8» &7&oDu hast erfolgreich &a%line 2 of event-block% &7&overkauft&8."
            set action bar of player to "&8» &cDu hast kein %{ivnsee.%player%}% im Inventar&8!"

On rightclick on sign:
    if line 1 of event-block is "&8[&cVERKAUFEN&8]":
        if player is sneaking:
            set {schildsell.%player%} to line 3 of event-block parsed as a integer
            set {ivnsee.%player%} to line 2 of event-block parsed as a item type
            if inventory of player contains 64 of line 2 of event-block parsed as a item type:
                loop 64 times:
                    add line 3 of event-block parsed as a integer to {Taler::%uuid of player%}
                remove 64 of {ivnsee.%player%} from player's inventory
                set action bar of player to "&8» &7&oDu hast erfolgreich 64x &a%line 2 of event-block% &7&overkauft&8."
                set action bar of player to "&8» &cDu hast kein 64x %{ivnsee.%player%}% im Inventar&8!"


There are no Errors while loading the Skript. Please help!
Last edited:
Hey guys,

I skripted a sign shop. And i want to sell a stack of item while a Player is sneaking. This is my Code:
Why it's not working?

On rightclick on sign:
    if line 1 of event-block is "&8[&cVERKAUFEN&8]":
        set {schildsell.%player%} to line 3 of event-block parsed as a integer
        set {ivnsee.%player%} to line 2 of event-block parsed as a item type
        if inventory of player contains {ivnsee.%player%}:
            remove {ivnsee.%player%} from player's inventory
            add {schildsell.%player%} to {Taler::%uuid of player%}
            set action bar of player to "&8» &7&oDu hast erfolgreich &a%line 2 of event-block% &7&overkauft&8."
            set action bar of player to "&8» &cDu hast kein %{ivnsee.%player%}% im Inventar&8!"

On rightclick on sign:
    if line 1 of event-block is "&8[&cVERKAUFEN&8]":
        if player is sneaking:
            set {schildsell.%player%} to line 3 of event-block parsed as a integer
            set {ivnsee.%player%} to line 2 of event-block parsed as a item type
            if inventory of player contains 64 of line 2 of event-block parsed as a item type:
                loop 64 times:
                    add line 3 of event-block parsed as a integer to {Taler::%uuid of player%}
                remove 64 of {ivnsee.%player%} from player's inventory
                set action bar of player to "&8» &7&oDu hast erfolgreich 64x &a%line 2 of event-block% &7&overkauft&8."
                set action bar of player to "&8» &cDu hast kein 64x %{ivnsee.%player%}% im Inventar&8!"


There are no Errors while loading the Skript. Please help!
This could be wrong and not work, but you can try this:

on rightclick on sign:
    if line 1 of event-block is "&8[&cVERKAUFEN&8]":
        if player is sneaking:
            set {schildsell.%player%} to line 3 of event-block parsed as number
            set {ivnsell.%player%} to line 2 of event-block parsed as item type
            if player's inventory contains 64 of {ivnsell.%player%}:
                loop 64 times:
                    add {schildsell.%player%} to {Taler::%uuid of player%}
                remove 64 of {ivnsee.%player%} from player's inventory
                set action bar of player to "&8» &7&oDu hast erfolgreich 64x &a%line 2 of event-block% &7&overkauft&8."
                set action bar of player to "&8» &cDu hast kein 64x %{ivnsee.%player%}% im Inventar&8!"
I have ran into an issue like this before, I don't know if its the same problem but "inventory of player" has never really worked right for me. If you change it to "player's inventory" it may fix your issue.
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