Sell Function Help

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Jun 12, 2018
I've been skripting for about a year now and im just now trying to start with functions in skript. Im trying to get a hold of it without asking a whole lot of questions but can't seem to find what im looking for when i look it up on google. Just creating little functions just to get a hang of them and this im just confused with what im trying currently... it seems like it should work but doesn't work right.

    ShopNotEnough: Not Enough
    NB: New Balance
    prefix: prefix
function Buy(p: player, bal: number, item: item, bv: number , amount: integer):
    if {_p}'s balance is less than {_bal}:
        send "{@ShopNotEnough}" to {_p}
        remove ({_bv} * {_amount}) from {_p}'s balance
        give {_p} {_amount} of {_item}
        send "{@prefix} &aYou have purchased %{_amount}% %{_item}%. {@NB}" to {_p}

function Sell(p: player, item: item, sv: number, amount: integer):
    if {_p} has {_amount} of {_item}:
        remove {_amount} of {_item} from {_p}
        add ({_sv} * {_amount}) to {_p}'s balance
        send "{@prefix} &aYou have sold %{_amount}% %{_item}%. {@NB}" to {_p}
        send "{@prefix} &cYou do not have %{_amount}% %{_item}% to sell." to {_p}
on script load:
    create a gui with id "TM" with virtual chest with 3 rows named "&eTest":
        make gui slot 0 with wheat item  named "&aWheat" with lore "&eThis is buyable":
            if gui-click-action is left mouse button:
                Buy(player, 100, wheat item, 10.00, 8)
            if gui-click-action is right mouse button:
                Sell(player, wheat item, 1.25, 8)
command /testmenu:
        open gui "TM" to player

I get no errors from any of it. there's probably parts of it i could do better, but that's what i'm here trying to do.

The Buy function works fine, but the Sell Function not so much. i'm probably over looking something hardcore but i can have the specified item in my inventory and even held it to see if that'd help, it just keeps saying i don't have any of that item in my inventory(in this example, wheat). Help is much appreciated, i'm sorry if it was something simple and i wasted you time.

If you have any suggestions how i should do it better, please say them, im am always up to improving how i can do things.

Skript Version : 2.2-dev37c
Skript Addons :
Tuske v1.8.2(a pikachu fork i believe, i dont remember)
skRayFall v1.9.14
SharpSk v1.6.3
if {_p} has {_amount} of {_item}:
if {_p}'s inventory has {_amount} of {_item}:
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