help with create kit in side the game

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Feb 24, 2017
Just give me an example explaining everything please and thanks
Code (Skript):
function leather(p: player):
    clear {_p}
    set helmet of {_p} to leather helmet
    set chestplate of {_p} to leather chestplate
    set leggings of {_p} to leather leggings
    set boots of {_p} to leather boots
    dye {_p}'s helmet red
    dye {_p}'s leggings lime
    dye {_p}'s chestplate lime
    dye {_p}'s boots red
command /kit [<text>]:
        if arg 1 is "lether":
        if arg 1 is "create":
            #now how do I make that all items in the player's inventory
            #create a function like leather and a new
            #if arg 1 is "kit that the player crate in game"
            #execute the function that creates in game with the name of the kit
            #name of kit(player)
            send "kit lether"
            player has permission "kitpvp.admin"
            send "kit create"
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Here you go
function createKit(p:player,name:text):
    message "&7Creating kit %{_name}%..." to {_p}
    set {_count} to 0
    loop 36 times:
        set {kit.%{_name}%.%{_count}%.slot} to slot {_count} of {_p}'s inventory
        add 1 to {_count}
    set {kit.%{_name}%.helmet} to {_p}'s helmet
    set {kit.%{_name}%.chestplate} to {_p}'s chestplate
    set {kit.%{_name}%.leggings} to {_p}'s leggings
    set {kit.%{_name}} to {_p}'s boots
    add {_name} to {kit.list::*}
    message "&7The kit %{_name}% has been created!" to {_p}

To get a kit use this
function getKit(p:player,name:text):
    clear {_p}'s inventory
    set {_count} to 0
    loop 36 times:
        set slot {_count} of {_p}'s inventory to {kit.%{_name}%.%{_count}%.slot}
        add 1 to {_count}
    set {_p}'s helmet to {kit.%{_name}%.helmet}
    set {_p}'s chestplate to {kit.%{_name}%.chestplate}
    set {_p}'s leggings to {kit.%{_name}%.leggings}
    set {_p}'s boots to {kit.%{_name}}