Recent content by wCrazy_

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  1. W

    Solved <Command> JSON With %player%

    Hi, you can use json generator
  2. W

    Allowed commands not working.

    Server version: Spigot-1.8.8 Skript: v2.1.2 on command: if {kbffa.inarena.%player%} is true: loop yaml list "Config.allowedCommandsInArena" from "diakbffa-config": send "%loop-value%" # For check if command is not "%loop-value%": cancel event...
  3. W

    Solved Problem with function if

    I found bug. How can i set {canClaim.reward.%loop-player%.%loop-value%} to true if loop-value is {_unix-time.reward.all}: set {canClaim.reward.%loop-player%.%loop-value%} to true #this not work now send "&fPlayer &c%loop-player% &fcan claim...
  4. W

    Solved Problem with function if

    Version of server: Spigot-1.8.8 Version of skript: v2.1.2 Hi how can i fix this: every 1 second: set {_unix-time.reward.all} to convert date now to unix date send "%{_unix-time.reward.all}%" to console loop all players: loop {Rewards.%loop-player%::*}: send...
  5. W

    Solved Arg-2 is in {example::*}

    Worked! Thank you so much.
  6. W

    Solved Arg-2 is in {example::*}

    Sk version: 2.2 Server version: Spigot 1.8.8 if arg-1 is "remove": if arg-2 is set: if arg-3 is not set: if player has permission "duels.arena": if arg-2 is in {duels.arenas::*}: delete...
  7. W

    auto update lore?

    Try this :) on click holding a oak wood: remove 1 of oak wood from player's inventory give 1 oak wood named "&fUpdated wood" to player
  8. W

    Solved Replace message in command.

    Server version: 1.8.8-PaperSpigot Skript version: 2.1.2 Problem is in "replace all "{prefix}" with yaml value "Messages.prefix" from "config" in command" command /test [<text>] [<player>] [<text>]: trigger: replace all "{prefix}" with yaml value "Messages.prefix" from "config" in...
  9. W

    Solved Cooldown

    Try this :) on right click: if player is holding a quartz named "&fBandage": if {_bandage.cooldown.%player%} is false: play sound "meds.bandage" with volume 1 to player set {_bandage.cooldown.%player%} to true wait 90 ticks add 0.5 to...
  10. W

    preset tp command

    Try this: command /setspawn: trigger: set {spawn} to location of player command /start: trigger: teleport player to {spawn}
  11. W

    Formatting numbers

    You can try this: if {ex} is "100000": set {ex.format} to "100K"
  12. W

    Solved Prefixes in messages

    Use this. on death: victim is a player attacker is a player set the death message to "%colored victim's prefix%%victim% was killed by %colored attacker's prefix%%attacker%"
  13. W

    Solved Prefixes in messages

    Use Vault. :) on death: victim is a player attacker is a player set the death message to "%colored {_p}'s prefix%%victim% was killed by %colored {_p}'s prefix%%attacker%" %colored {_p}'s prefix%%{_p}%
  14. W

    Friend Skript ERROR

    Problem is in remove page. Error in game. Error in console. CODE: if arg-1 is "remove": if arg-2 isn't set: send "{@friend} &7Use &6/friend remove <player>" if arg-2 is in {friend::%player%} send "{@friend} &6%arg-2% &7is not...
  15. W

    Skripts not work.

    Please help me. Server version: Spigot-1.8.8 ERROR IN CONSOLE: [16:52:56 ERROR]: #!#! Currently only supported servers are Spigot and its forks for Minecraft 1.9 or newer. [16:52:56 ERROR]: #!#! Other versions might work, but since you're getting this error message something is NOT working...