Recent content by TripleThreat02

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  1. T

    command timer

    Ok i tried editing it a little and sort of got it to do what i want with this code: command /youtube <text>: aliases: /yt permission: youtube.broadcast permission message: You Must Have YouTube Rank To Use This. trigger: set {_difference} to difference between {%player%.ytcooldown} and now if...
  2. T

    command timer

    I get this error: Can't understand this expression: ('diffrence between {%player%.ytcooldown}' and now) (, line 5: set {_diffrence} to diffrence between {%player%.ytcooldown} and now') Also where would i put the broadcast part and the permission messages? It basically printed out...
  3. T

    command timer

    Ok, i tried it, it didn't work at first, so i used this instead: variables: {seconds} = "300" command /youtube <text>: aliases: /yt permission: youtube.broadcast permission message: You Must Have YouTube Rank To Use This. cooldown: {seconds} Seconds cooldown storage: {seconds}...
  4. T

    command timer

    I am trying to create a cooldown timer so that when someone runs the command it will say a message saying you have to wait x amount of settings, but when i did it first time, it went below 0, the second time, it won't go down, i'm out of ideas, anyway enough ranting, here's the code...