Recent content by The Phill

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  1. The Phill

    Emojis in chat, chat pings and stuff - i wanna make my code more efficient / shorter

    I mean you can make the emoji section shorter by doing like replace all ":(", "D:", and ":sad:" with "☹" in {m} Also I feel like {m} should be a local variable and then your function returns {_m} at the end
  2. The Phill

    Solved Help chat

    You already did it once. Use the same code
  3. The Phill

    Solved Help chat

    send formatted "<
  4. The Phill

    Solved Help chat

    That looks good. I would make the respond command next. Its going to basically look the same except i would put a player argument before the message argument so that the staff member has to specify who the message is getting sent to. The code for that should look roughly the same
  5. The Phill

    Solved Help chat

    What do you have so far
  6. The Phill

    "{NoAI:1b}" is not a date error

    Example of what? Im not just gonna write the code for you.
  7. The Phill

    "{NoAI:1b}" is not a date error

    Make a vector from parrot to target Shoot/spawn a snowball Set the velocity of the snowball to the vector
  8. The Phill

    "{NoAI:1b}" is not a date error

    Why not just set ai to false
  9. The Phill

    Solved How to create zone without damage?

    Whats your safezone option set to. Also the setsafezone command is pointless. Replace it with a damag event and cancel that event if the victim is within p1 and p2
  10. The Phill

    Solved Switched from SkQuery GUI's to skript-gui's, but it's throwing errors I don't understand.

    Hide enchants flag is a skbee thing. There is also the glowing thing that nix mentioned
  11. The Phill

    Solved Switched from SkQuery GUI's to skript-gui's, but it's throwing errors I don't understand.

    Yeah. You can still do that, you just have to use the propper syntax
  12. The Phill

    Solved Switched from SkQuery GUI's to skript-gui's, but it's throwing errors I don't understand.

    You didnt indent. create gui: make gui slot... open last gui to player If thats not it send your errors
  13. The Phill

    how do i make random drops

    chance of becomes a lot more unintuitive once you start stacking probabilities.
  14. The Phill

    how do i make random drops

    use a random number generator set {_r} to random integer between 0 and 100 if {_r} < 50: # 50% chance give player dirt else if {_r} < 75: # 25% chance give player stick
  15. The Phill

    Chat prefixes

    It doesnt say its for 1.20 but it should work. Vault doesnt actually use anything from minecraft, it just connects plugins. This means that the minecraft version really doesnt matter.