Recent content by SubSplash

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  1. SubSplash

    i have this skript but when i keep right clicking it is putting the cooldown again

    Instead of 10 days replace it with 99999999 seconds or something, if you don't do seconds it won't work at all.
  2. SubSplash

    i have this skript but when i keep right clicking it is putting the cooldown again

    on region enter: if {cooldownshield::%player%} isn't set: set {cooldownshield::%player%} to now if "%region%" contains "stroomportal": if player's tool is a shield: set the cooldown of player's tool for player to 9999999 seconds else: if player's...
  3. SubSplash

    i have this skript but when i keep right clicking it is putting the cooldown again

    I'll try later, I'm currently doing something.
  4. SubSplash

    i have this skript but when i keep right clicking it is putting the cooldown again

    Hey! Try this, this should work. on right click with ender pearl: if player has player's tool on cooldown: send "&cItem on cooldown!" to player else: set the cooldown of player's tool for player to 7 seconds
  5. SubSplash

    Block Break Stage

    Hello! I need help showing the breaking animation on a block. on right click: if event-block is bedrock: set {_break} to 0.1 set {_block} to block at location of event-block loop 10 times: make all players see damage of {_block} as {_break} add 0.1 to {_break}...
  6. SubSplash

    Need help with vault eco formatting.

    Hello! I need help formatting a number (example: 1000) to use vault eco formatting ($1,000). Sorry for the lack of details I'm not sure what else to say.
  7. SubSplash

    permission check doesn't work

    The permission statement must look like this: "test.test" it need to have a dot to function properly. Also skript has built in broadcasting.
  8. SubSplash

    Solved Need help blacklisting named items from getting duped in a shulker box.

    Thank you for replying, but I'm trying to blacklist a red dye named "heart".
  9. SubSplash

    Solved Need help blacklisting named items from getting duped in a shulker box.

    Hello! I need help blacklisting named items from getting duped in a shulker box, for example: command /dupe: trigger: if player's held item is any shulker box: set {_items} to tag "BlockEntityTag;Items" of nbt compound of player's held item if "%{_items}%" contains...
  10. SubSplash

    Solved How to set a variable to the amount of seconds in another variable?

    Hello! I need help setting a variable to the amount of seconds in another variable, for example: every 1 second: loop all players: if {timer.toggled::%loop-player's uuid%} is true: add 1 second to {timeinseconds::%loop-player's uuid%} command /converttimeintonumbers: permission...
  11. SubSplash

    Looping a specific dropped item in a radius of X from players death point.

    Minecraft version is 1.20.2, Skript version is 2.7.2. I have the following addons: Skbee, skript-reflect, skRayFall, SharpSk & SkQuery.
  12. SubSplash

    Looping a specific dropped item in a radius of X from players death point.

    How would I do what your saying?
  13. SubSplash

    Looping a specific dropped item in a radius of X from players death point.

    I checked and broadcasted the amount of iron ingots in the victims inventory but it returned 0 even tho the victims inventory contains 4. Here's the code I used. on death of player: set {_ironchecker} to amount of iron ingot in victim's inventory broadcast "%{_ironchecker}%"
  14. SubSplash

    Looping a specific dropped item in a radius of X from players death point.

    I tried doing what you said but it seems to not be working. Example: on death of player: broadcast "test1" if amount of iron ingot in victim's inventory is greater than 1: broadcast "test2" set {_ironchecker} to amount of iron ingot in victim's inventory give {_ironchecker} of...