Recent content by Stegoleopluradon2

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  1. S

    essentials sell multiplier

    oh cool! Glad I helped
  2. S

    Magic Invisibility

    on right click: hide player from all players wait 5 seconds reveal player from all players This works for me, it uses Skellet
  3. S

    Help with armor equip and unequip bugs

    Thank you! I thought I already tried that, but apparently not. After trying to test the new code, I have found that the custom loop thing is not looping the lore properly. I have created a code to test it: on right click: loop (player's helmet, player's chestplate, player's leggings...
  4. S

    Help with armor equip and unequip bugs

    Thank you so much! Unfortunately, im still a noob to functions and it is returning an error: on armor equip: set {_equipped} to hasSetBonus(&b&l&nReinforced, player, 4) if {_equipped} is true: send "Duration Activated" apply resistance tier 1 to player for 99 days ambient...
  5. S

    Help with armor equip and unequip bugs

    I will have to try it out later, it looks like it would work better!
  6. S

    Help with armor equip and unequip bugs

    On my small private server, I have created special armor which when all pieces are equipped, the player is given a potion effect. One of my player's found that if you spam click the armor with just your mouse it registers as putting armor on without taking it off, and if you spam click with an...
  7. S

    Get Enchants on Enchanted Books

    Well, that is an issue because SkStuff doesn't work with my 1.12.2 server. :I
  8. S

    Get Enchants on Enchanted Books

    I've had to totally change anvils on my server due to a naming bug, so I am having to create a system which allows player's to enchant their tools without anvils. I have a system where if they right click with a piece of paper, it enchants the player's first slot with the enchantments of the...
  9. S

    Skript errors

    Can you post the script?
  10. S

    Solved Timer

    message "You have to wait %difference between a minute {_waited}% before you can use this command again!"Just got to remove it
  11. S

    Solved Timer

    Change "if {_waited} is less than a minute:" to "if {_waited} is less than 10 minutes:"
  12. S

    Solved Timer

    command /cake: description: Recieve a cake, but you can only do this once per minute! permission: cake.is_a_lie executable by: players trigger: # stores how long it's been since the player last used this command set {_waited} to difference between...
  13. S

    Give player enchanted book with list variable for enchants

    I am trying to make a disenchantment command that will later tie in with an npc. Atm im using a command that requires permissions. command /disenchant: trigger: player has permission "disenchant" set {_enchants::*} to enchants of player's tool send "&aSucessfully...
  14. S

    Set NBT in 1.12?

    Thank you! I will try it out!
  15. S

    Item Regeneration

    command /repairtool [<number=1000>]: trigger: player has permission "repair.tool" repair player's tool by arg-2 Is this what you are looking for? I don't know if its bug proof, i just typed it. Gl.