Recent content by RustyBender

  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. RustyBender

    Skript on spigot or Bukkit

    ShaneBee was already in contact regarding this with Aternos. In a nutshell, Aternos is just lazy and doesn't want to update their API or whatever they use to support GitHub. Skript is not and should not be responsible for supporting platforms like Aternos, if Aternos want to use Skript, then...
  2. RustyBender

    Skript on spigot or Bukkit

    Just download it from GitHub?
  3. RustyBender

    Converting a skript from names to UUID

    Thanks! I'll give it a code and see if the skript breaks, it shouden't but we'll see.
  4. RustyBender

    Converting a skript from names to UUID

    So I'm trying to convert this skript from names to UUID: options: #CommandInfo Command: /party permission: admin.switch #Lang PartyMaxPlayers: 10 PartyListSpacer1: &7&l----&aParty&7&l---- PartyListSpacer2: &7&l------------ PartyListFormat: &c%{_Number}%&7. &d%{_Player}%...
  5. RustyBender

    Chat Items

    I seem to get this error: