Recent content by rquw

  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. R

    scoreboard for variable

    hey, can someone help me putting scoreboard "points" as a variable? basically i want to do a top 5 killers, so that would be kinda hard ig?
  2. R

    Player is standing on a pressureplate on coordinate..

    Hello, Can anybody help me with a skript? Basically, I want to make a skript that checks if a player is standing on a pressure plate on a specific coordinate.It doesn't show any errors, but it also doesn't execute the functions after. My skript is this: on step on stone pressure plate...
  3. R

    Check if a player is on a specific team

    Hello, I am making a scoreboard which displays if your rank. The created ranks are "Player", "VIP", "Pro", "God", "Admin" and "Owner". And I want skript to check if a player is in a rank, let's just say, I want "Player" to be displayed. How do I let skript grab the team name and display it...