Recent content by QuestLove

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  1. QuestLove

    Solved Set variable to a date and time

    How do I set a variable to a specific date and time? ex: set {variable} to "2/28/2020 20:00" parsed as date It returns text cannot be parsed as a date
  2. QuestLove

    Check player block facing?

    Is there a way to check the exact side of the block a player is looking at using the targeted block? For example the north, east, south, west, bottom and top parts of a block? I know you can check horizontal facing of a player and a player's pitch but it isn't accurate enough for me
  3. QuestLove

    Remove Lore

    The problem is loads of my stuff is broken now though and I don't know how to do it without skquery (errors below) Can't understand this condition/effect: open chest with 6 rows named "Scrap Items" to player (, line 4: open chest with 6 rows named "Scrap Items" to player') [Skript]...
  4. QuestLove

    Remove Lore

    yeah.. it's working, everything else is pretty much broken now though
  5. QuestLove

    Remove Lore

    yes (latest lime's version)
  6. QuestLove

    Remove Lore

    Like I said I tried that... this is what I get
  7. QuestLove

    Remove Lore

    Skript Version (do not put latest): Skript 2.2 (dev37c) Skript Author: Bensku Minecraft Version: 1.12.2 How do I remove lore from an item?? I've tried reset lore of tool of player I've tried setting the lore to "" I've tried deleting lore.. I saw...
  8. QuestLove

    Enchant Event Help

    I was testing the skellet stuff before looking for the enchant event and it triggers every time I add an item to an enchantment table rather than when I enchant it
  9. QuestLove

    Enchant Event Help

    but isn't the skellet stuff on enchant prepair so it is called when you put the items into an enchantment item not when you enchant them?
  10. QuestLove

    Enchant Event Help

    uh that's all I get? event-itemstack and event-player? I'd really like to know how to get the enchantments that were added through the enchant :L I want to be able to add on to them or edit aditional enchants so I can add custom enchantments and such
  11. QuestLove

    Enchant Event Help

    yeah I found that too but it's not really what I'm looking for.. I don't know why but I keep noticing loads of information and syntax going missing on skunity docs
  12. QuestLove

    Enchant Event Help

    Skript Version (do not put latest): Skript 2.2 (dev37c) Skript Author: Bensku Minecraft Version: 1.12.2 So I really want to do some stuff with enchanting but I'm really confused because apparantly 'on enchant' is an event that I can cancel but I can't see it at all in the skunity docs! I just...
  13. QuestLove

    Solved Piston Block Move

    I got this working with the above code here is a finished example for those who want to properly check the before and after location on a block from piston extend and retract piston extend: loop moved blocks: set {_loc} to loop-value's location broadcast "[old location of...
  14. QuestLove

    Solved Piston Block Move

    How would I check the previous block at the location to the new block at the location? I have varables saved to blocks and want them moved over with the piston event
  15. QuestLove

    Solved Piston Block Move

    Skript Version: Skript 2.2 bensku-dev37c Skript Author: Bensku Minecraft Version: 1.12.2 How can I do As far as I know the addon is dead is it possible to do it through the piston extend event?