Recent content by PolduZ

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  1. P

    Solved issues with loop-entity

  2. P

    Solved issues with loop-entity

    This code doesnt want to work for some reason: on load: loop all entities: loop-entity is cow broadcast "%loop-entity%" addons: skbee
  3. P

    Solved Projectile Burst

    I see... Well anyway thanks for helping again!
  4. P

    Solved Projectile Burst

    I aleardy got it, but that is an interesting way! Don't worry i already achieved the desired effect. Tysm for helping!
  5. P

    Solved Projectile Burst

    I aleardy tried push :p i have one more question: How do i change the speed of a projectile the burst effect is kind of 2d. Nvm im stupid xD set {_random} to random integer between 1 and 2 shoot an arrow from {_loc} at speed {_random}
  6. P

    Solved Projectile Burst

    wow.. it was that simple all along. Well thanks for helping me, I never played with rotations in sk before and now I know how to use them!
  7. P

    Solved Projectile Burst

    Thank you so much! Unfortunately the particles lose their speed. I want them to still shoot in direction a player is looking at and then rotate them a little bit to create a burst effect
  8. P

    Solved Projectile Burst

    Hey! Im looking for a way to rotate a projectile after it has been shot: loop 10 times: set {_random} to random integer between -15 and 15 shoot an arrow from {loc} at speed 1.2 #something like this: change rotation of last spawned entity by {_random} my skript addons: -skbee...
  9. P

    on rightclick: is weird

    there is not such item as fireball i tried that before its weird because it never happened before its like my file the code is in broke on right click holding fire charge: wait 1 tick remove 1 fire charge from player's inventory shoot a fireball from the player at speed 1 i looked at...
  10. P

    on rightclick: is weird

    heres my code: on right click with fire charge: wait 1 tick remove 1 fire charge from player's inventory shoot a fireball from the player at speed 1 the code only works when looking at blocks or entities how can i fix this my server version is bukkit 1.17 skript: 2.6 beta2 skellet...
  11. P

    problem with a line

    yes but its really messy and slows down my coding process
  12. P

    problem with a line

    It was a tuske gui test skript i tried diffrent versions of skript, and addons same problem
  13. P

    problem with a line

    im using tuske skquery and skellet i will update skript anc check
  14. P

    problem with a line

    ye sure still doesnt reload
  15. P

    problem with a line

    i mentioned a console error but here you go [10:42:21] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! Something went horribly wrong with Skript. [10:42:21] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! This issue is NOT your fault! You probably can't fix it yourself, either. [10:42:21] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! It looks like you...