Recent content by PlebLord82

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  1. P

    %arg-1% not working in command

    yeah so i already skripted all the kit commands and they work fine. i also don't have essentials.
  2. P

    I need help with the push effect

    hm i dunno not to familiar with the push effect, but why do you have two locations? that doesnt seem right in this context: this is just my best guess though sorry i dont know if i could really help
  3. P

    I need help with the push effect

    did you set the {_p} variable to the player that you want to push?
  4. P

    %arg-1% not working in command

    hello, so im making a /buykit [<kitname>] command where it opens a gui to buy the kit. every reload is successful, but its not working. i think ive isolated the problem to the %arg-1% in the {%player%.kit.%arg-1%} variables. so executing "/kit" gives the error message for that to the player...