Recent content by pixelizedgaming

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  1. P

    item2chat skript not working

    trying to make an item2chat skript on chat: replace all ":item:" in message with formatted "<ttp:&7%player's tool's lore%>%player's tool's name%<reset>" no errors on reload, but heres what happens when I try it:
  2. P

    Error scordboard pls help

    it might be too large. also good practice to use %uuid of player% not %player% in variables
  3. P

    Sorting algorithm is having problems

    kinda new to skripting, so i suck anyways im trying to make a least to greatest sorting algorithm function least2greatest(list: objects) :: objects: #list has entries modeled like %number%.%text% set {_i} to 0 loop size of {_list::*} times: add 1 to {_i} set {_j} to {_i} loop size of...
  4. P

    Why doesn't this work!

    on death of wither skeleton: remove stone sword from the drops remove bone from the drops The first 2 lines work fine. but the 3rd line doesn't work at all. No errors, they just still drop bones.
  5. P

    Mining skript screwing up

    When I use an improper tool to break the block (like wooden pick on iron), it doesn't kick in. why i want to make it so it doesn't drop anything but it also doesn't break the block on mine: if block's type is coal ore: cancel event give player 4 coal if block's type...
  6. P


    how do i make this timed? like every 5 seconds or something. It returns as an error if i just change line 1 to "every 5 seconds" on chat: loop all players: player is loop-player set {suffix::%uuid of player%} to colored "&7[&e%player's level%&7]"
  7. P

    apply slowness on hit

    still doesnt work
  8. P

    apply slowness on hit

    doesnt work
  9. P

    apply slowness on hit

    trying to make a custom enchant thing, skript runs with no errors but it doesnt work. where did i go wrong on damage: victim is a player victim is online attacker is not the victim attacker is online if attacker's held item is a ghast tear named "&b&lIce Shard": apply slowness to victim...