Recent content by Nikolaj Andersen

  • Welcome to skUnity!

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  1. N

    if player's balance is more greater or equal to doesn't work

    Wow, I'm stupid.. xD Thank you! I haven't played Minecraft in a year and wanted to start again. I knew I forgot something.
  2. N

    if player's balance is more greater or equal to doesn't work

    Thank you for your answer, though i still doesn't seem to work.
  3. N

    if player's balance is more greater or equal to doesn't work

    Skript version: 2.2-Fixes-V8b Minecraft version: Bukkit 1.8 Addons: Wildskript, SkQuery(3.21.4), SkRayFall, Umbaska(3.3) Hello, my problem is whenever I reload the skript i get an error saying "Can't compare 'player's balance' with an integer. I've tried to search the forums for a solution, but...