Recent content by MyNameIsBond

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  1. M

    Solved Potion pickup

    How can I do it to get the player who gets the pot stacked? #google translator on left click on chest: play "ZOMBIE_WOODBREAK" to player at volume 100 set clicked block to air add 2 Splash potion of healing 2 to {_nyerik::*} add 3 Splash potion of healing 2 to...
  2. M

    Solved Help me

    Yeey! Thank you very much. It's work. :)
  3. M

    Solved Help me
  4. M

    Solved Help me

    Like this: command /start: trigger: set {players::*} to all players on death: {players::*} contains victim send "%victim%" remove victim from {players::*} size of {players::*} = 1 set {_p} to "%{players::*}%" parsed as a offline player broadcast...
  5. M

    Solved Help me

    I'm using this code: command /start: trigger: set {players::*} to all players on death: {players::*} contains victim remove victim from {players::*} size of {players::*} = 1 set {_p} to "%{players::*}%" parsed as a offline player broadcast "%{_p}%...
  6. M

    Solved Help me

    Skript 2.2 bensku-dev37c
  7. M

    Solved Help me

    Thank you very much :) This contains does not work. He does not make an error, but when 2 players are in the list and killing each other nothing happens. It does not say who won it. Should I have some addons? #google translate
  8. M

    Solved Help me

    At the beginning of a minigame, everyone gets a list and at the end of the game only one person is left in a list. I like to put it into a separate variable. How could this be? Can anyone help me? #Google translator
  9. M

    Please help me

    on death: if {test::*} contains victim: wait 1 tick force respawn victim