Recent content by mrxqware

  • Welcome to skUnity!

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  1. mrxqware

    Solved Read the item on an itemframe

    Hi peeps, I would like to make a player click an itemframe with an item and then it will broadcast the item. I tried this one already with ExtraSK: on right click: if the shown item on targeted entity is stone: broadcast "It is a stone!" (idk if I can use %targeted entity%)...
  2. mrxqware

    Solved X minutes to days, hours, minutes format

    Hey guys, I would like to convert an amount of 'x minutes' to an output of 'x day(s), x hour(s), x minute(s). I have no idea how to do that in an easy way. I feel like I have to calculate every time how many days there fit in the 'x minutes', and then substract it, to calculate how many hours...
  3. mrxqware

    Skript Papi placeholders

    Hey guys and girls, I'm running a spigot 1.8.8 server and I would like to use Clips placeholde api to load BattleLevel placeholders in Skript. I didn't find a way so far to handle this. I saw that an old Umbaska version should do the job (Umbaska 1.5? Something like that). It doesn't seem to...
  4. mrxqware

    number part of string to variable

    Hi there, I've got a region named building12 I would like to get the integer from the string and save it in a variable. on region enter: message "Entering %region%." if "%region%" contains "building": set {_tempstring} to region The output of %region% is: building12 in world...