Recent content by minecubeks

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  1. M

    Solved How to remove Decimal from time?

    Oh, ok. But thanks anymore.
  2. M

    Solved How to remove Decimal from time?

    Error: Can't understand this expression: 'join (regex split "%{_time}%" at ".\d+")' (, line 162: set {_s} to join (regex split "%{_time}%" at ".\d+")')
  3. M

    Solved How to remove Decimal from time?

    Hi i maded daily reward system and i also maked checker that count how long player must wait until they can claim it again. set {timetowait} to difference between {dailyrewardcooldown::%player%} and now set {remaining.time} to difference between {timetowait} and 24 hours send "%{prefix}%&cYou...
  4. M

    skript does not understand the condition / if "%region at player%" is region

    This code working for me: on right click on player: if "%region at player%" contains "shop": if name of entity = "Den": cancel event