Recent content by Mashhhyyy

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  1. Mashhhyyy

    Solved Applying damage through a Command

    Im trying to make it to where you apply damage to a player by running a command. command /slap [<player>]: description: "Slap another player" trigger: set {a} to arg-1 set {a} to {a} parsed as a player send "&3%player% &bslaps &3%{a}%." to all players...
  2. Mashhhyyy

    Skript does not understand the event

    This is the way I would do this without SkQuery, May not be the most efficient but it should work. Simply run the command /scenario start to begin checking and /scenario stop to stop. command /scenario start: permission: scenario.start trigger: set {_bc} to true while...
  3. Mashhhyyy

    how can i summon a zombie with 100hp and in specific location?

    Let's try adding an HP event listener: options: opZombSpawn: true zombHPListener: false on load: while {@opZombSpawn} is true: set {@zombHPListener} to true spawn a zombie at [x coord], [y coord], [z coord] in world "pvp" set last spawned zombie's name to...
  4. Mashhhyyy

    On eat of specific food - drop random item from set list

    Woah I didn't even know you could do those things! That's actually gonna make my life so much easier!
  5. Mashhhyyy

    how can i summon a zombie with 100hp and in specific location?

    Should be fixed now. :D options: opZombSpawn: true on load: while {@opZombSpawn} is true: set {_h} to last spawned zombie's health spawn a zombie at [x coord], [y coord], [z coord] set last spawned zombie's name to "&6%{_h}%&c/&6100 &cHP" set last...
  6. Mashhhyyy

    how can i summon a zombie with 100hp and in specific location?

    This should work options: opZombSpawn: true on load: while {@opZombSpawn} is true: set {_h} to last spawned zombie's health spawn a zombie named "&6%{_h}%&c/&6100 &cHP" at [x coord], [y coord], [z coord] set last spawned zombie's max health to 100 set...
  7. Mashhhyyy

    how can i summon a zombie with 100hp and in specific location?

    I haven't tested this yet so if it doesnt work let me know options: opZombSpawn: true on load: while {@opZombSpawn} is true: spawn a zombie named "&cOP Zombie" at [x coord], [y coord], [z coord] set last spawned zombie's max health to 100 set last spawned...
  8. Mashhhyyy

    Cant set event block to oak log

    try set the event-block to oak log
  9. Mashhhyyy

    On eat of specific food - drop random item from set list

    hey! you mean something like this? on load: add diamond_block to {blocklist::*} add enchantment_table to {blocklist::*} add anyblock to {blocklist::*} on consume: if event-item is cookie: set {drop} to random element out of {blocklist::*} chance of 25%...
  10. Mashhhyyy

    On eat of specific food - drop random item from set list

    Haven't tested this so let me know if it doesn't work. on load: add diamond_block to {blocklist::*} add enchantment_table to {blocklist::*} add anyblock to {blocklist::*} on consume: if event-item is cookie: set {drop} to random element out of {blocklist::*}...
  11. Mashhhyyy

    Solved Apple Drop

    Hmm this seems to be working better but I set the chance to get apples to 0.1 and I still managed to get 10 apples from one tree... Any idea as to what could be causing this?? variables: {appleRate} = 0.1 on break of leaves: if player's held item is shears: chance of...
  12. Mashhhyyy

    Solved Apple Drop

    Hello, I am having trouble with my apple drop skript...I'm trying to make it so when you break a leaf block with shears, it will have a custom chance to drop an apple. but at the moment it's just dropping out of every leaf block I break even though the appleRate is set to 0.1% PLEASE HELP...