Recent content by Maldini

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  1. M

    Solved Custom Attack Damage

    While testing I've realized that when I set the damage to 2.5. It sometimes damages the player by 2 hearts instead of 2.5 hearts. Is there a way to fix this?
  2. M

    Solved Custom Attack Damage

    What type of damage ignores armor and enchantments?
  3. M

    Solved Custom Attack Damage

    I wanted to change the attack damage value for an iron sword However this code isn’t working On damage: If attacker or victim is in “GameWord”: If attacker is player: If attacker’s held item is an iron sword: Damage victim by 4 hearts
  4. M

    southwest facing banner

    Hello I am trying to set a banner facing southwest, but I can't find anything that works here's the code that i have: on click on banner: if block below event-block is light blue wool: open chest with 3 rows named "hi" to player make gui slot 1 of player with yellow wool...
  5. M

    Solved Giving each loop-player an item

    ok thanks
  6. M

    Solved Giving each loop-player an item

    loop {_survivor::*}: teleport loop-value to {survivor.spawn} if {exp.%loop-value%} < 5: add 1 iron sword to {_survivor::*}'s inventory add 1 bow of punch 1 to {_survivor::*}'s inventory add 12 arrows to {_survivor::*}'s inventory...