Recent content by lunarenzox

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  1. L

    Command Disabler Per-World

    thanks for your help guys :D, btw can i ask if you know on how to disable creeper egg? Disable creeper egg throw, pickup, place, exlode?
  2. L

    Command Disabler Per-World

    Can any one give or make a skript that can disable a certain command per world? like i want to disable /gmc on world1 but /gmc can use on world2 Thanks to anyone that can share this skript :D
  3. L

    XP Withdraw

    Category: Factions Suggested name: XP Withdraw What I want: withdraw your xp in a bottle using /xpw with permission xpw.use, this is good for factions server! :D, also with no bugs and glitches :> Ideas for commands: /xpw Ideas for permissions: xpw.use When I'd like it by: ASAP, needing it...
  4. L

    Force Chat

    hello guys? who knows how to make a skript that can force all player to chat or say something?
  5. L

    Teleport Effects

    @Black_Eyes yeah to safely teleport where they go for a bit of time, liek for 5 seconds
  6. L

    Teleport Effects

    @Black_Eyes yeah because sometimes, they will teleport they will die cause of suffocate or fall damage
  7. L

    Teleport Effects

    Category: Teleportaion Suggested name: TP-Potion Effect What I want: Make player will have potion effects like resistance for using /tpa, /home, /tp or /warp Because i want them to be teleport safety Ideas for commands: /tpa, /home, /tp, /warp Ideas for permissions: teleport.tpa...
  8. L

    Anti Void

    Category: Telport Suggested name: Void Teleport What I want: If players fall into the void, they will be back on the spawn, also support per world :D Ideas for commands: /svs (Set where player will be teleported if they fall into void Ideas for permissions: svs.set (for /svs command) When...
  9. L

    Player Report

    hello guys, can any one make a skript that can report any player like /report (player) (reason), and make it to notified by staff if they have permissions, also make a history of a player that only staff can check
  10. L

    Tablist prefix and group sorter

    anyone knows how to make a skript that can give player a preeifx on tablist and sort the players on tablist by group? like owner is the highest rank, the player will be on first?
  11. L

    Solved Right-click shield

    @ShaneBee now it works! thanks to this, this really helps me alot!
  12. L

    Solved Right-click shield

    its like, im just blocking for 1 seconds, then repeat
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    Solved Right-click shield

    @ShaneBee there's a problem, everytime i will hold the right-click... its just repeating what it doing, like its not blocking, its like block and let go, block and let go, but im holding the right-click
  14. L

    Solved Right-click shield

    @ShaneBee tysm for this! you're so kind! thanks :D, lemme try it
  15. L

    Solved Right-click shield

    @ShaneBee thanks for helping me :)