Recent content by Logan8601

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  1. L

    Solved Random level enchant

    Thanks works for giving the bow and having multiple enchants!
  2. L

    Solved Random level enchant

    It works great for enchanting an item that is already in inventory but how can I make it so I can just give an item to a player with a random level. If you would like can you also tell me how to do that with multiple enchants on the same item? give player bow of "infinity %random integer...
  3. L

    Solved Random level enchant

    Skript Version (do not put latest): 2.5.3-nightly Skript Author: Logan8601 Minecraft Version: 1.16.5 I'm trying to make a command that when you do it enchants your held item with sharpness that is a random level. Full code: command /Renchant: Trigger: enchant the player's held item with...