Recent content by Liam Mahoney

  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. L

    Solved Skript overriding command

    Awesome, thank you for all your help
  2. L

    Solved Skript overriding command

    Need some help with a problem. I can't find the file where my server's /join command is held, and I've been trying to make it so that when a player sets their join message: I can return the message: (with the color formatting of course) So I've decided to use skript, and have done it fairly...
  3. L

    Solved Pulling text from a command

    Ah okay I see, thanks a bunch!
  4. L

    Solved Pulling text from a command

    Hey there, I'm learning Skript at the moment, and I'm trying to write something for the /join command that will allow players to see the join message they've set after they send it. Example: on command /join <message here>: send "<message in previous line>" Any help with figuring this out...