Recent content by K_Abbage

  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. K

    Remove event item on pickup

    So i want to make a script that replaces the items after pickup but it seems to occur before it goes into your inventory. So of course, it doesn't remove the picked up item. (Also i don't want to cancel the pickup event and then kill the item because i want the pickup animation) on pickup of any...
  2. K

    Replace picked up item with another items

    umm it doesn't do anything..
  3. K

    Replace picked up item with another items

    So I am trying to make a wood type changer and I made a script to do that but it didn't work. My code: on pickup of oak logs : set {inv.%player%} to player's inventory set {woodcount.%player%} to amount of oak logs in {inv.%player%} if {woodtype.%player%} is not 1: if...
  4. K

    Give a player an amount of item in a variable

    So I am making a custom wood type changer which if you pick up (or have in your inventory) a type of log/planks/sapling it will convert it into the wood type of choice. Here's my code: #1:oak, 2:spruce, 3:birch, 4:jungle, 5:acacia, 6:dark oak command /woodtypeoak: trigger: set...