Recent content by Jugandoconrody

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  1. Jugandoconrody

    Remove specific variable

    You should do something like: set slot loop-number of player's current inventory to paper named "&f%arg 2% &cReport %loop-number +1%" with lore "&eReason: ..." to close then run [make player execute command "/delete %{_reports::%arg 2%::%loop-number +1%}%"] command...
  2. Jugandoconrody


    Try: command /test: trigger: set {_character} to "%%" broadcast "%{_character}%"
  3. Jugandoconrody

    Solved Problem with Skript IP

    If it works a lot of thanks Donut!!! on join: if "%{ips::*}%" contains player's ip: wait 1 tick kick the player due to "Already other user is playing with your same ip." else: add player's ip to {ips::*} set {checkip.%player%} to true on quit: if...
  4. Jugandoconrody

    Solved Problem with Skript IP

    It still does not work when the skript is executed with more than 2 users: on join: if {ips::*} contains player's ip: wait 1 tick kick the player due to "Already other user is playing with your same ip." else: add player's ip to {ips::*} set...
  5. Jugandoconrody

    Iron Trapdoor open/close skript

    Test with numeric ID 167
  6. Jugandoconrody

    Solved Problem with Skript IP

    I need to make a skript that detects when a player with the same ip is already playing, the second player (multi account) that tries to enter is kicked. The skript works only with an ip, but it stops working when it comes to another ip different from the list. Thanks in advance on load...