Recent content by Juffix

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  1. Juffix

    Can't stop loop?

    You can fix it by adding 1 more tab to the last 2 lines but this skript is still pretty bad. I suggest you use the world change event / on join event with a while loop.
  2. Juffix

    replace 1 message to random message from the list

    If you are trying to do it like in hypixel you have to check if the message contains "ez" and if it does cancel the event and then make the player say the message you want.
  3. Juffix

    Solved Skript packet blocks

    I guess you can add the blocks into a list loop it and check the distance between the block and the player (Not efficient but your skript isn't efficient either).
  4. Juffix

    Solved Skript packet blocks

    make player see loop-block as loop-block This should change it to the original block
  5. Juffix

    Solved Variables comparison with numbers

    As Kush said, You can't compare a number with text, you can still use these > = <
  6. Juffix

    Loop blocks within 2 locations

    Try loop blocks within {_location-1} and {_location-2}:
  7. Juffix

    Solved sorting list for a leaderboard

    Your variable should be inside the list so when you add a win to a player you add it to {kills::%player%}
  8. Juffix

    Homes GUI teleport

    Check if it is set by broadcasting {LOC::HOME::%player%::%arg-1%}
  9. Juffix

    Homes GUI teleport

    Check if the location is set though
  10. Juffix

    Homes GUI teleport

    Make it broadcast it and see if it is "<none>"
  11. Juffix

    Homes GUI teleport

    teleport player to Should work, check if the location is set
  12. Juffix

    Make console execute command "/plz readlmao"

    If you need quotes inside quotes, double them make console execute command "/lp user %player% meta setsuffix ""&cR&6A&EI&AN&BB&9O&5W"""
  13. Juffix

    Solved End game credits

    Try this instead set int field of {_end} to 4 set float field of {_end} to 1
  14. Juffix

    Solved Skript with Worldguard doesn't work

    I think skript just doesn't support FAWE, I solved this by using chunks instead of regions with FAWE
  15. Juffix

    Solved Skript with Worldguard doesn't work

    Yea, I am pretty sure it requires WorldEdit, also you can't have WorldEdit and Fast Async WE together so that is also a problem.