Recent content by ItzGabryXV_

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  1. I

    Hi. Im making a skript about medicines in minecraft for an italian server. And im having problems using the GUI:

    Im creating a skript for an italian server. Thats about operating in case of intossication. Im making this from 0
  2. I

    Hi. Im making a skript about medicines in minecraft for an italian server. And im having problems using the GUI:

    The skript part is like: function operint(p1: player): set {_operint} to a new chest inventory with 6 rows with name "&4Operazione per &lINTOSSICAZONE" set slot 0,1,2,10,11,12,13,20,21,22,30,31,32,33,40,41,42,43,50,51,52,53,60,61,62 of {_operint} to red stained glass pane with name...
  3. I

    How can i check if a variable is set for another variable?

    _player is a random player (This is not part of the code): if {_casualinjury} is 1: if {ipotermia::{_player}} is not set: add {_player} to {febbre::*} send title "&cSTAI MALE" with subtitle "&eTi senti molto accaldato" to {_player} for...