Recent content by ImM7mqd

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  1. I

    BungeeCord online players problem

    so when i put the online player numbers on a specific bungeeserver and no one in the server it says: Online: <none> can someone help me? set online players Code: every 1 seconds: set {_Pvp} to size of all bungeecord players on server "Pvp" Menu Code: on right click holding a compass...
  2. I

    code is like that: command /shop: trigger: open chest with 3 rows named "&8┃ &cP&6V&cP Shop...

    code is like that: command /shop: trigger: open chest with 3 rows named "&8┃ &cP&6V&cP Shop &8&m----------" to player if {coins.%player%} is bigger than or equal to 100: format slot 11 with feather named "&bSpeed" to close then run [give player 1 feather named "&bSpeed"]
  3. I

    my code isnt working for ShopSystem could anyone help me???

    my code isnt working for ShopSystem could anyone help me???