Recent content by Hypenexy

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  1. Hypenexy

    Script Advanced announcement | Bungeecord version 2020-06-23

    Description: This script is a simple bungee broadcasting skript. You can send a message to all players in a network and even a title! With sound effects and little easter eggs. There's even a profanity filter! If you don't want to use it for bungeecord you are free to edit the code for yourself...
  2. Hypenexy

    Is MySQL even possible on 1.12.2 spigot?

    I haven't checked the forums in a while and if you're saying it works on clean 1.12.2 server then it must be some addon we both use that interferes with the credentials! Edit: Could you please tell me what plugins and version you were using so I can try it as well? Edit 2: Can we take this...
  3. Hypenexy

    Is MySQL even possible on 1.12.2 spigot?

    So, in conclusion it's not possible.
  4. Hypenexy

    Is MySQL even possible on 1.12.2 spigot?

    I tried your example. I am using SkQuery-4.1.2 and the newest Skript 2.5-alpha3. Aaand the code is the one you sent.
  5. Hypenexy

    Advanced announcement | Bungeecord version

    Description: This script is a simple bungee broadcasting skript. You can send a message to all players in a network and even a title! With sound effects and little easter eggs. There's even a profanity filter! If you don't want to use it for bungeecord you are free to edit the code for yourself...
  6. Hypenexy

    Is MySQL even possible on 1.12.2 spigot?

    Ok, so. I've tried similar skripts but for some reason I also get this console error but no skript reload errors. Any ideas how to fix that? I've read through forums but couldn't find anything. Edit: Here's the rest but it didn't let me upload.
  7. Hypenexy

    Simple Illegals Script

    It says empty configuration because you don't have an action at the end of something. Have you replaced "#do the same" with your action? Edit: also this isn't an error it's a warning
  8. Hypenexy

    Is MySQL even possible on 1.12.2 spigot?

    I've been looking for 2 years, but, as the title says, I still can't find a way to use MySQL with SkQuery.
  9. Hypenexy

    1.12.2 MySQL problem with SkQuery

    Yes, both Skript and SkQuery load up on 1.12.2 with no problem but however the Skript I use only works on spigot 1.7.2 and 1.8.8 and the old Skript and SkQuery. Here is the error message in the console: [22:04:19 ERROR]: #!#! [22:04:19 ERROR]: #!#! [Skript] Severe Error: [22:04:19 ERROR]: #!#...