Recent content by FluffyFlu_

  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. F

    Solved Teleport to specific world and to specific coordinates

    Hello, I don't know how to teleport player, that executed one command to a specific world and coordinates. This worked with simple code teleport player to location at 3, 46, 1 in world "Italy" but this doesn't work with my skript version. Do I need addons for this feature? Or I'm doing something...
  2. F

    Similarity for my skript

    Hi, writing everything is too dificult. Bot has over 300 lines of codes of quotes. :D command /bc [<text>]: aliases: /cb, /chatbot # permission: chatbot.use # permission message: &7 [&esejr&cChatBot&7] ZidLe > Jsem pouze pro sponzory. :/ trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "...
  3. F

    Similarity for my skript

    Hi! I'm creating Chat Bot in Skript. People are not perfect and sometimes can misspell... And I want to my bot get prepared for this. :D But I don't know how to do it. For example what I want: Bot know word "hello" I wanted to write "hello" but I wrote "heloo" Bot don't know "heloo", but it's...