Recent content by fds

  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. F

    Item wont enchant

    Im trying to enchant a item with a protection level based off a variable which is the protection level basically just increasing the prot level by 1 every time I have this but it doesent work send "{@prefix} &8> &7You don't have enough money to do this." to {_p} if {_u} is "protectionhelm"...
  2. F

    How do I make this skript work

    Im getting these errors Got it down to one error :D
  3. F

    How do I make this skript work

    on break of iron ore: player is holding a wooden pickaxe if level of efficiency of player's tool is greater than or equal to 10 give player iron ingot if else: send "&4§lUpgrade your pickaxe with /merchant to mine this" to player Im trying to make it so a player needs efficiency...
  4. F

    Skript crashes when I reload

    I have this Skript but when I reload it, the server crashes unless I remove most of it I assume because this skript is not very efficient and that's a lot of resources, could someone take a look at it and help me out? Thamls