Recent content by Fainton

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  1. Fainton


    on script load: set {_leathercap} to leather cap dyed green register new shaped recipe for {_leathercap} named "&aEmerald Helmet" using emerald, emerald, emerald, emerald, air, emerald, air, air, air
  2. Fainton

    Solved Problem with custom recipe

    on script load: set {_leathercap} to leather cap dyed green register new shaped recipe for {_leathercap} named "&aEmerald Helmet" using emerald, emerald, emerald, emerald, air, emerald, air, air, air
  3. Fainton

    Solved give player item

    how do i make it so if the player doesnt have space for given item it drops on the ground if i do this: give 64 dirt to player, it gives the player dirt but if the player has a full inventory it doesnt
  4. Fainton

    make {_player1} attack {_player2}

    My code is "make {_player1} attack {_player2} by 4" and it works all fine, but i wanna make it so if he is holding a diamond sword then {_player1} will deal more damage or if the sword has sharpness 1-max then {_player1} will deal even more damage
  5. Fainton

    Solved please help

    i managed to fix it
  6. Fainton

    Solved please help

    My code is "if target block is in radius 2 around the player" and it doesn't work anyone know how to do it
  7. Fainton

    set {var} to world MyWorld

    The title kinda says it all, I want to set a variable to a world of my choosing.
  8. Fainton

    Solved wait till variable is set

    Oh ok
  9. Fainton

    Solved wait till variable is set

    It's not from an addon. I'm just wondering if you can do it with skript or an addon.
  10. Fainton

    Solved wait till variable is set

    Skript Version (do not put latest): Skript 2.2 (dev20c) Skript Author: Bensku Minecraft Version: 1.11 --- Full Code: command /test: trigger: wait till {variable} is set send "test" Errors on Reload: wait till {variable}' is not an entity type (, line 321: wait...
  11. Fainton


    Working on it will give it asap
  12. Fainton

    On Inventory slot click

    I know this is late but for anyone still wondering i did this on inventory click: if player doesn't have permission "moveinv": cancel event So people with that permission can still like build in spawn and stuff.