Recent content by Endas

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  1. E

    Need Skript

    Yeah but like 1 player can type "/queue" x2 times, and thats not what i want... :(
  2. E

    Need Skript

    Need skript that when player type "/queue" he got teleported to Lobby and when 2 players in queue starts skript...
  3. E

    Duplicate Player Inventory

    Hello. I watched TapL video, and I want to create same skript, but I dont know how to multiple players inventory. Can anyone help me with it? VIDEO HERE
  4. E

    When player have 3 warns, mute player for 5 mins

    I want to do Warn system, and when you have 3 warns, u get mute for 5 minutes
  5. E

    When player have 3 warns, mute player for 5 mins

    Help someone please... command /warn <text> <text>: trigger: add 1 to {warns.%arg-1%.warn} add 1 to {warn.%arg-1%} broadcast " &a&l%arg-1% &2got warn &a%arg-2%" every 1 tick in "world": loop all players: if {warn.%loop-player%} is 5: add 300...
  6. E

    3 deaths = 15 minutes ban

    I make a skript, but kick and ban lines does not work. Can someone help? variables: {kill counter.%player%.kills_total} = 0 on death of player: add 1 to {kill counter.%player%.deaths_total} message " &6You died &e&l%{kill counter.%player%.deaths_total}% &6times." if {kill...
  7. E

    Quick question

    How to make spawnpoint on top of the gold block, and didnt let player place another gold block.
  8. E


    I placed gold block, and killer my self, but spawnpoint not working. But no errors
  9. E

    Quick question

    How to make a player can only place 1 gold block
  10. E


    Hello, i need help with this: on place of a GOLD BLOCK: message "Spawnpoint set" make player execute command "/spawnpoint %player%" I want to make spawnpint on top of the gold block How to do it? And if gold block destroyed, spawnpoint removed.