Recent content by Dogloverblue

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  1. Dogloverblue

    Solved How do I aim an arrow at a player?

    Yeah, i was being dumb and forgot to install Skquery, I realized about an hour after I posted, but I forgot to mark as Solved, Thanks for the help anyway :emoji_slight_smile:
  2. Dogloverblue

    Solved How do I aim an arrow at a player?

    I need help with a skript in which I shoot an arrow at the player, but nothing seems to work, can someone help? heres my code: every 5 seconds in "world": set {_loc} to location -57, 71, -179 in "world" loop all players in radius 10 around {_loc}: wait 0.2 seconds shoot a arrow...
  3. Dogloverblue

    why doesn't this work? (I get a bunch of things mentioning indenting and invalid line)

    on join: if {Joins::*} does not contain player's uuid: add player's uuid to {Joins::*} add 1 to {uniqueJoins} set join message to " " broadcast "&a%player%&6 joined for the first time! Welcome to ArsenalMC! &8[&b##%size of {joins::*}%&8]" else: set join message to " "...
  4. Dogloverblue

    Solved skript keeps commands that i've already deleted.

    hmmm weird, are you sure you pressed the "save" button in the file?,
  5. Dogloverblue

    Solved skript keeps commands that i've already deleted.

    try saving the file, and reloading the skript in-game, if you wrote it a while ago, you may have forgotten to reload it
  6. Dogloverblue

    Revert Netherite Armour

    if you posted your code, that would probably make it easier
  7. Dogloverblue

    Solved Keycard skript

    Wow Blackhawk, your code is probably ALOT better than mine lol
  8. Dogloverblue

    Solved Keycard skript

    if someone has a proper keycard level, you could make it so Redstone blocks would appear, then disappear, but it is totally up to you, hope this helps Wait sorry, i forgot about colors, and how to give the keycard to a player Use this code instead, it has updated colors, and other stuff on...
  9. Dogloverblue

    Solved Problem with Multiple quotes

    thanks for the help :)
  10. Dogloverblue

    Solved Skript Gui

    Yes, feel free to use it in a video, if ya give me even a little bit of credit.
  11. Dogloverblue

    Code for rank

    Oh, yes very easily, just add a cancel event after the on "if message" arg. this code should do the trick command /YOURCOMMANDNAME: trigger: send "&eEnter the Secret Code to Continue" send "&e You have 10 seconds" set {Timer.%player%} to 1 wait 10 second set...
  12. Dogloverblue

    Code for rank

    yes, there is defiantly a way to do that, it would look something like this command /YOURCOMMANDNAME: trigger: send "&eEnter the Secret Code to Continue" send "&e You have 10 seconds" set {Timer.%player%} to 1 wait 10 second set {Timer.%player%} to 0 on chat: if...
  13. Dogloverblue

    Solved Skript Gui

    yes, there is a way to open virtual chests without add-ons IF you have skript versions 2.3+ i believe. Here is some code that might help you get a base line #I have no idea how to use permissions, but you can add those later command /punish [<offlineplayer>]: trigger: set {BannedPlayer} to...
  14. Dogloverblue

    Solved Problem with Multiple quotes

    So I I'm trying to make a command that give a player a certain item, the best way i know of is to use the "make player say" argument, but when i enter this command /boostergive: trigger: make player say ""/minecraft:give @s feather{display:{Name:'[{"text":"Boost lvl...