Recent content by DJ_Dogos

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  1. D

    Cage Skript

    I use worldedit or Idk What i have to use or have
  2. D

    Cage Skript

    Hello, iam wondering how to make a Skript to Beacon named "Cage" It will do: On place it will create bedrock sphere around the beacon for 30 seconds, and if someone mine the beacon in less than 30 seconds, it will remove, and the beacon will not drop, and the bedrock sphere will be removed back...
  3. D

    Is this even possible?

    yes please.
  4. D

    Is this even possible?

    I mean the ball at any direction and the big ball? One. How can i make it (In Skript)
  5. D

    Is this even possible?

    Can u show me how to make one ?
  6. D

    Is this even possible?

  7. D

    Is this even possible?

    Is this possible to make? (The Ball as big Magma Block, not ball shape
  8. D

    6-digit code vault

    its working!
  9. D

    6-digit code vault

    Its working on reload, but Im not home so il try it on Thursday or Friday next week
  10. D

    6-digit code vault

    command /vault: trigger: send "&fType a 6 digit code for a &aREWARD&f!" to the player create a gui with virtual chest inventory with 3 rows named "Vault": open the last gui for the player make gui slot 0 with red stained glass pane named "&71"...
  11. D

    6-digit code vault

    But the paper is like this if u open the gui or click on something
  12. D

    6-digit code vault

    ITS WORKING I just restarted server when i added LPC and its working! Thank you very much!
  13. D

    Need help with beam

    this is with i started on right click: if name of player's tool contains "&fDragon Beam": if {dragonbeam.%player's uuid%} is not set: set {dragonbeam.%player's uuid%} to 300 dragonbeam(player, 50, 20) play sound "minecraft:entity.blaze.shoot" with...
  14. D

    Need help with beam

    Hello, i need help with a dust color beam (yellow) to make it from sky to it. I have a half of skript, when it may on right click it shoots a beam from sky and damage entities around 5 radius around 4 thick block beam
  15. D

    Loop-Entity issue

    its not an error in the {_pel} ..., its in the looped-entity if i change it to player, it will work