Recent content by Daniel Greer

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  1. D

    Solved Command on right click or F

    It's really hard to understand you, "Tymen van Essen's" method should work perfectly. You want people to right click on an acacia slab to run a command, right? on right click: if event-block is acacia slab item or upside-down acacia slab item: send "that's an acacia slab alright"...
  2. D

    Solved damage cause not working

    Well I code in Java and Lua and multiple other programming languages. When I use a programming language of any type, I tend to stick to my roots.
  3. D

    Solved Make a player perform an command with an permission

    Or if you wouldn't want to use Console to execute a command, you can do: make player run command "/mv tp jumpandrun" as op
  4. D

    Scoreboard SkQuery Skript Won't Work

    command /board: permission: is.staff trigger: display scoreboard named "&6&lWAR&e&lFAIR" to player make score "&8--------------" in scoreboard of player to 8 make score "&f" in scoreboard of player to 7 make score "%player%" in scoreboard of player to 6...
  5. D

    Solved damage cause not working

    Oh, okay. I have a bad habit of doing that because of some skripts I've worked on giving errors when using "is" as a check instead of "="
  6. D

    Run a /blockdata command in a specific world

    I've found sources in other threads on this platform that show to use: add 1 to {player.deaths::%victim%} set {_loc} to location(0, 0, 0, world of victim, 0, 90) set block at {_loc} to command block add...
  7. D

    Solved damage cause not working

    No, I was right. What does Block Explosion check for? I tested Entity explosion with creepers, ghasts and tnt, and it returned true. Block explosion returned absolutely nothing.
  8. D

    Playing sounds

    I always use console commands for back buttons in GUIs and repetitive code that I want to use down the line and don't want to change every instance of it.
  9. D

    Cant set event block to oak log

    set the event-block to log
  10. D

    SkQuery GUI Not Wanting to cooperate...

    I'm not going to remove them if it fixes your problem... Download these three addons. skRayFall, SkQuery, and TuSKe. Then try /fisherman, also fix the line from format slot 14 with Gray of player stained glass pane named " " to close to format slot 14 of player with Gray stained glass pane...
  11. D

    on break/left click on chest (Get chest's name)

    Script Version (do not put latest): Skript 2.2-dev27 Script Author: Me, ItsDvance Minecraft Version: 1.8.9 Full Code: on break of chest: if the event-block's name != "%player%": cancel the event send "&cThis chest can only be modified by &f%event-block's name%" When...
  12. D

    No damage when riding player

    I'm sorry, but I don't think you can. You can disable damage for the player riding the other player, but not for the player being ridden.
  13. D

    Skript - Back item when drop cancel

    That doesn't work for me, though it might work for you. Skip the Variable Middle-man, and also USE ATTACKER and VICTIM in Damage and Death events! on death: set {num} to 0 if victim isn't a player: loop drops: add 1 to {num} give attacker loop-value...
  14. D

    SkQuery GUI Not Wanting to cooperate...

    Works perfect for me EXCEPT slot 14. Read this over again. format slot 14 with Gray of player stained glass pane named " " to close compared to: format slot 13 of player with Gray stained glass pane named " " to close Make sure everything is tabbed correctly, I tabbed mine correctly and got...
  15. D

    Solved if player has named, with lore

    Try This: (It's a minor change but it might work) if player has 4 player heads named "&eIron Golem Kafası" with lore "&8mob:iron_golem": set {_golemkafası.%player%} to true