Recent content by CoolPeople

  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. C

    Solved How to disable skUtilities YAML File Doesn't Exist In File Error

    How to disable skUtilities YAML File Doesn't Exist In File Error? I want disable for player and console Error is lagging and crashing the server sometimes. Please help me. My test code. command /testyml: trigger: set {_value} to yml value "value" of file "plugins/Skript/scripts/value.yml"
  2. C

    why don't work this code..

    function x(p: player): if {_p} has 5 leather: ...
  3. C

    I get function error. Please help me.

    Code: function setItemPrice(p: player, s: int): set yaml value "Market.Player.%{_p}%.Pricing" from file "plugins/M2Pazar/veritabanı.yml" to {_s} function pricingItem(p: player) :: player: IF {_p} is op: loop 18 times: create a gui slot (loop-number - 1) of {_p} with...
  4. C

    doesn't return any value error

    My code: Error: [13:48:31] [Server thread/ERROR]: The function 'coinSatinAl' doesn't return any value. (, line 12: create a gui slot 11 of {_p} with gold nugget named "&dSatın almak için tıkla" with lore "&8┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓|| &aも50 &7➠ &6⛂...
  5. C

    I not find the Skript Dark UDL for Notepad++, please get link to me :(

    I not find the SkriptDark UDL for Notepad++, please get link to me :( Skript UDL for Obsidian Theme (sorry for bad my english) +