Recent content by BurankuBlank

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  1. BurankuBlank


    Hey So I was looking for a plugin that would allow me to pearl through OPEN fence gates and string I found one but sadly it did not work.. So I went looking for a script and found one which sadly gave me an error so I'm going to ask you guys.. What I want? Name: HCPearls Function: Ability to...
  2. BurankuBlank

    Pearlthrough fence gates

    Hey, I am currently trying to use this skript but it doesn't seem to be working correctly. Skript version: Skript 2.2 Fixes V8b Skript Error: " Use 'projectile' and/or 'shooter' in projectile hit events (, line 4: if event-blick is a fence gate:') " Minecraft version: 1.8.8 Paper...